
Unleashed - 4th Anniversary

It was March 31st four years ago. A World of Warcraft guild called Unleashed was born. A few hours after US-Ysera server was opened. By this day a lot of stuff had happened, as I will tell you now.
One February night, I can’t remember the exact date, two of my closest friends and I went to a bar for a meal and some drinks. We all were playing Horde in two different servers, and we weren’t able to raid and see end game content because of raiding hours and lack of raiders. So, we started talking about creating a guild which can be ruled by the things we thought were right, like having a semi-casual schedule and focus on the person more than the player.
At the end of the night, Unleashed had been chosen as guild’s name and, since we were trying to start over again, we were re-rolling Alliance. We thought that strong foundations would help the guild to grow and linger, so we had to cover the three basic roles in a party: Tank, Healer and DPS. Also we needed a cool website and forums to recruit, so I offered myself to use my free time to make the website. Now we only had to wait until Blizzard released more servers.
If you are still wondering who were these three guys. Well, the answer is simple: our Guild Master Minimage and two former Officers: Therion (Deatherion at the moment) and Valkiria (this is me).
From that night to the release of Ysera server, we started recruiting on the Warcraft Forums. Some people got interested in Unleashed’s concept and we had enough recruits to sign the guild charter. I can’t remember all of our first recruits, but I do remember Emmalee, Aldoric, Pheral and some others that are in Unleashed no more.
After four years we have raided a lot of Dungeons. Zul’Gurub was the first raid instance for Unleashed, when we weren’t able to have 40 people online for a raid night. We had some problems until Character Transfer opened, I remember some guilds saying that transfers were wrong and all that, but for us, it was the only thing we needed to raid and it let us get Onyxia, Ragnaros and Nefarian. We were raiding Ahn’Quiraj when the Burning Crusade was released. That was the time when I stopped playing World of Warcraft. I came back later, raided some stuff and then left again.
When the Wrath of the Lich King was released, I came back and raided for about a year, and then I left the game again. Now I’m a casual player, who only does quests and 5-man dungeons, but I’m still a part of Unleashed and, most important, Unleashed is a part of me. That’s why I’m still in charge of the website images and I’m currently working on the Guild Site’s new look for Cataclysm.
In the end, I just have one more thing to say: Happy 4th Anniversary and thanks to everyone who had worked to make this guild what it is.

-- Valkiria