
Iks Math Time

Cattman -

I finally got around to it so here you go.. no more asking me about it. I can explain anything you have questions on later at some point. Cattman had asked me to compare his log to one of the top rogues to see if there was anywhere he could improve or anything he should be doing differently.

Points to clarify - this is comparing you to Sanchoz who currently has the top parse on Deathbringer Saurfang for Rogues of your spec in a 25 man raid setting. I used this fight since it is very much a Patchwerk encounter for Rogues. I am not sure how the rotation adjusts with target switching etc. (which is probably important) but that is something I did not want to invest the time into investigating. You guys have the exact same spec and glyphs and were comparably geared at the time of the reports (~ 2 weeks ago) as this was pre-heroic ICC. Further, you have identical active battle time which is important for the results to not be skewed. Their fight is shorter so you will see I added a casts/seconds comparison for the main abilities to see the difference there. All relevant information should be included. I also have attached a link to download the Excel file if you want to examine it closer or see the full detailed list of casts as only the top piece is captured in the screengrab. Obviously, this is only showing casts so it isn't showing the white melee hits/crits or the venom ticks (shows up as Instant Venom in combat logs details).

Cattman XLS

Screenshot of Results:
Image Link

In my opinion, based on the overall results, you seem to be doing nearly everything you need to. Considering that rogue got Hysteria (twice) and also had higher tricks uptime from the other Rogue, those two things alone could attribute for part of the difference. He seems to be using Mutilate more than you are in rotation as you seem to be slightly favoring Envenom to Mutilate when choosing between the two. He also had slightly better RNG on his poison procs which also attributed to a piece of the difference. I think really the only thing I would get out of this would be to slightly tweak the Mutilate vs. Envenom when possible and maybe adjust your gemming to swap the Haste gems for AP.

While I was at it, I quickly did the same thing for Aedringonos for the Koralon kill from last night in comparing him to the top Unholy DK to take a look at the rotation. The rotation doesn't seem to be too badly off except for perhaps a few too many Plague Strikes and Icy Touches.. I would attribute the huge difference (100%) to Gargoyle timing and the fact that somehow the other DK casted only one fewer spell despite their fight being 26 seconds shorter:

Screenshot of Results:
Image Link

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